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Welcome Gastroenterologist Dr. Howard Mitz

Dr. Howard Mitz, a highly skilled gastroenterologist, is now seeing patients in Plymouth. With decades of experience treating ...
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Introducing Jamie Smith, Speare’s New Behavioral Health Counselor

Jamie Smith, licensed clinical mental health counselor, is the newest addition at Plymouth Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine and ...
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Welcome Back Sleep Expert Dr. Michele Gaier 

With nearly 30 years of medical experience caring for patients at Speare and throughout the Lakes Region, Dr. ...
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HBO hyperbaric chamber at Speare Memorial HospitalHyperbaric oxygen therapy, also known as HBO, or HBOT, is the administration of 100% pure oxygen, while in a pressurized chamber. This saturates the blood plasma with extra oxygen, which increases the amount of oxygen that reaches the wounded tissue.   This increase in oxygen supports the growth of new, healthy tissue. The oxygen also acts as a bacteriostatic, which helps decrease the chance of infection in the wound.

Our HBO chambers are largely comprised of acrylic, allowing the patient to see everything around them, and for the technicians to clearly see the patient throughout their treatment.  The patient lays on a stretcher which slides into the chamber and can watch tv or listen to music inside the chamber.  Treatment is generally recommended for 5 days per week, with each treatment taking approx. 2 hours from start to finish. The number of treatments depends on the condition being treated.

There are several indications for HBO therapy including diabetic foot ulcers with Osteomyelitis, delayed radiation injury, thermal burns, and hypoxic wounds.  Medicare has approved coverage for many types of chronic, non-healing wounds. Most private insurance companies also follow Medicare rules.  Our highly trained and experienced staff will review your insurance plan prior to starting therapy so you will know if there is any additional cost.  We look forward to assisting you with healing your wound.

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